Le Blanc

LE BLANC Original Linen Wash 64oz

Le Blanc® Linen Wash® Original has a Floral and Fresh Fragrance. The exquisite fusion of jasmine and hyacinth is brought together with light notes of apple and kiwi. Sunlit herbs, citrus zest, and precious woods form a base for this charming and refreshing original fragrance medley.

Linen Wash® is an exceptional cleanser designed for the laundering of luxury and everyday washable and colorfast linens and apparel. Especially formulated to protect fibers while preserving the original beauty of fine textiles and apparel. Linen Wash® may be used on washable, colorfast, and organic linens as well as all cottons, synthetics, and blends. Safely launder antique linens, household bedding, table linens, lace, quilts, christening gowns, apparel, and more.

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