Le Blanc

LE BLANC White Flowers Silk & Lingerie Wash 16oz.

Le Blanc® Silk & Lingerie White Flowers has a Delicate and Sophisticated Fragrance. This scent has a rich heart blooming with delicate layers of white gardenias, lilies, rose petals, and sensual jasmine. Sparkling citrus, sweet orange, and bergamot add a whimsical touch to this full-bodied fragrance.

Silk & Lingerie Wash is an exceptional cleanser designed for all washable and colorfast delicate fabrics. Especially formulated to protect elasticity and preserve the original look and shape of personal garments and delicate fabrics. Le Blanc® Silk & Lingerie Wash may be used on all washable, colorfast and organic fabrics including: silk, cashmere, wool, alpaca, LYRCA®, spandex, all cottons, synthetics, and blends. Safely launder intimate apparel, fine clothing, silk bedding or table linens, swim wear, active wear, hosiery, and more.

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