Kind Laundry

KIND LAUDRY Zero Waste Laundry Detergent Sheets - Fragrance Free

Awarded "Best Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent" by Better Homes & Gardens.

Featured as the best laundry detergent sheets by Refinery29, Chatelaine, and Fast Company

Made with zero-waste packaging, our detergent sheets contain a proprietary formula (with added Tea Seed Oil), no harsh chemicals, yet still harness strong cleaning power.

Here is what makes Kind Laundry so unique:

1. The only detergent sheet with 5 plant-based ingredients with added Tea Seed Oil (a natural antibacterial agent)
2. Helps reduce single-use plastic waste going into the ocean and landfills (plastic laundry jugs never biodegrade back into Earth)
2. Completely non-toxic and biodegradable (no phosphates, dyes and unnecessary fillers)
3. No more mess. Save space
4. Easy to travel with

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